Cam And Tappet Experiment

The plot for the harmonic cam is in the form of a cosine wave.
Cam and tappet experiment. Their purpose is to convert rotary motion. Statement of purpose objective. Study on tappet shedding mechanism. Theory cams are found in most working way many machines wouldn d work without those applications thus cams serve an important purpose in the engineering world.
Wear tests on the cam and tappet 4 1. The jerk for this cam is therefore in the form of a sine wave the same as the velocity plot. When you move the book smoothly upward what happens to the pencil. Apparatus and specimens experiments were conducted on the sliding wear testing machine commonly used for evaluating the wear resistances of cam and tappet.
It is possible to run solid flat tappets on a hydraulic flat tappet cam and even mechanical roller lifters on a hydraulic roller cam. Make the book an inclined plane and use the pencil as a slider use your hand as a guide. The jerk for this cam is therefore zero. It will be pushed up along the guide.
What is a cam. Investigate tappet motion for several different cam profiles and to see the effect of different followers. Data for convex cam. Regardless of the lubricant used these films consisted of varying amounts of inorganic phosphates.
A cam and follower mechanism is a profiled shape mounted on a shaft that causes a lever or follower to move. Tappets are generally used for heald shedding. Theory introduction cams are widely used in engine machine tools textile and packaging machines. This process can be shown in the scheme of fig.
Putting solid lifters on a hydraulic cam will gain about 500. As the cam rotates the follower rises and falls in a. 6 1 1 a simple experiment. Day and date experiment performed.
The objectives of this experiment were to investigate the tappet motion for several cam profiles and to see the effect of different. Take a pencil and a book to do an experiment as shown above. Data observation and results. Figure 6 1 simple cam experiment.
Universiti tenaga nasional 2006 mechanical design and cad laboratory cam and tappet experiment objective the objective of the experiment is to investigate tappet motion for several different cam profiles and to study the effect of different followers. Thin inorganic films were formed across the contact area during the cam tappet experiment.