Determinants Of Saving Behavior Among University Students

Students were found to be influenced by individual factors their social networks physical environment and macro environment.
Determinants of saving behavior among university students. However standardized coefficient beta ß for peer influence is ß 0 002 p 0 05 this means that the results is found to be insignificant since the significant value is above 0 05. Quantitative method is employed by the researchers as the e mpirical assessments. In addition students are said to have more favourable financial attitude when they are financially literate. Determinants of saving behaviour among the university students in malaysia inproceedings chia2011determinantsos title determinants of saving behaviour among the university students in malaysia author ying kai chia and ming thung chai and sheng fong and wan chiun lew and chang tan year 2011.
1 this undergraduate research project is the end result of our own work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the references to all sources of information be thy printed electronic or personal. The saving behaviour among students is significantly important as they are easily exposed to be blacklisted borrowers. This is an explanatory study on the determinants of saving behaviour among taj international college s students. Results revealed that family involvement peer influence self control and financial literacy play an important role in nurturing students savings behaviour.
Determinants of saving behaviour among the university students in malaysia chia ying kai and chai ming thung and fong sheng nie and lew wan chiun and tan chang tsen 2011 determinants of saving behaviour among the university students in malaysia. Rmp15 t1g3 determinants of saving behaviour among the university students in malaysia. Most economists believe that an increase in savings will flourish the growth of economic activities and further strengthening the economy of that particular nation. However recent news report stated that household debts in malaysia have gradually.
Determinants of saving behaviour among the university students in malaysia iii declaration we hereby declare that.