Electronic Commerce Act Malaysia

Use not mandatory 3.
Electronic commerce act malaysia. Malaysia also has specific legislation for digital signatures the digital signature act 1997. Date of publication in the gazette. In addition the electronic commerce act 2006 contains broad technology neutral provisions on electronic signatures. The legal framework of the act was strengthened to encourage future use by way of the digital signature amendment act 2001.
In malaysia the digital signature act 1997 was enacted to handle issues linked to electronic signatures mainly in the arena of e commerce. Reference to other written laws 5. 1 short title and commencement. Interpretation pa r t ii legal recognition of electronic message 6.
Legal recognition of electronic message 7. Electronic commerce act 2006 click here to see annotated statutes of this act part i preliminary. Malaysia legislation laws of malaysia. Act 658 electronic commerce act 2006.
19 october 2006 p u b 280 2006 arrangement of sections. Date of coming into operation. Use not mandatory 4. Malaysia has enacted electronic commerce act 2006 to smoothen the progress of e commerce in malaysia though section 2 1 g of consumer protection act 1999 has been deleted to include consumers transaction electronically electronic commerce act is still important in governing the online contract as a whole this article will seek to highlight the similarities and differences between the.
Electronic commerce 3 laws of malaysia act 658 electronic commerce act 2006 arrangement of sections pa r t i preliminary section 1. Declaration of policy the state recognizes the vital role of information and communications technology ict in nation building. Date of royal assent. Short title this act shall be known as the electronic commerce act of 2000 section 2.
Laws of malaysia act 658 electronic commerce act 2006. Unannotated statutes of malaysia principal acts electronic commerce act 2006 act 658 electronic commerce act 2006 act 658 19 each electronic message to be regarded separately. The need to create an information friendly environment which supports and ensures the availability. 6 laws of malaysia act 658 3 the minister may by order amend vary delete from or add to the schedule.
Short title and commencement 2. 1 nothing in this act shall make it mandatory for a person to use provide or accept any electronic message in any commercial.