Gtu Final Year Project Report Sample 2018

Doing final year project in android or ios platform will help students to create their project reports.
Gtu final year project report sample 2018. Project pmms activities guides can be taken during final project examinations projects are evaluated by a group of two examiners consisting of an internal examiner and external examiner appointed by the university. Gtu cic3 project fy 2018 2479 date. College institute level final year project fair. Mechanical diploma mechanical students for final year submission.
Make your report less than 15 mb gtu guideline manual. Academic year 2013 2014 all the final year students who are working on their 7th semester project need to submit the following. We tube 1 big data. This is to certify that this project report entitled title of project work by name of student roll number submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of technology in branch of study of the gb technical university lucknow during the academic year 2012 13 is a bonafide record of work carried out under my guidance and supervision.
The 5 vs presented by. Every student must do the project work in their final year of engineering so carefully otherwise it will affect the degree. To principals directors and hods of degree engineering colleges and polytechnics. What is big data big data is like a normal data but in very big amount and mostly unstructured.
We like project by prakhar jain hpgd jl15 2321 2. Before april 2018. I project report a spiral bound hard copy it is required to be a report of the work done by the team of students during the 7th semester. This final report includes the expenditure the members incurred while working on the project to submit to ugc for the sanctioned grant and also contains the research study matter.
Projects reports sample final year students android php ios. While working on a project the members have to visit a lot of places. Welingkar we like project 2nd semester 1. 6 p a g e gtu innovation council guideline for final year b e.
A good project report presents your final year project work in brief and very effective. Mechanical engineering final year project report pdf download. This report should include different materials that are related to the project work you have selected regarding your project. This article contain list of projects for mechanical engineering students related to project report download final year pdf report download sample mechanical projects report download this list contain projects which are helpful for b e.
This template is a project research final report. Hello trainers most of the students who are doing final year in computer science and mca are willing to do projects reports on android and ios platform.