Halal Logistics In Malaysia A Swot Analysis

Halal logistics is a global business and the objective of this study is to analyse the general environment of halal logistics in malaysia by using the pest analysis.
Halal logistics in malaysia a swot analysis. This study is exploratory in nature and applies literature survey and the external factors evaluation efe matrix methodology. Halal logistics ms 2400 2010 awareness audit training program develop and test halal logistics auditing tools 2 3 4 1 with the introduction of the halalan toyyiban assurance pipeline standard for transportation warehousing and retail ms 2400 2010 in malaysia halal assurance is extended along the supply chain from source where the. Halal logistics in malaysia. This study comprises two methods.
The purpose of this strengths or weaknesses and its external opportunities or threats swot analysis study on halal logistics industry in malaysia is to identify swot in the halal logistics environment and to uncover strategies to leverage on the strengths and opportunities and rectifying the weaknesses as well as overcoming the threats. Halal logistics in malaysia. Definition halal logistics is the process of managing the procurement movement storage and handling of materials parts livestock and semi finished inventory both food and non food and related information documentation flows through the organization and the supply chain in compliance with the general principles of shariah law halal. Bakar abdul hamid abu 2014 09 02 00 00 00 purpose the purpose of this strengths or weaknesses and its external opportunities or threats swot analysis study on halal logistics industry in malaysia is to identify swot in the halal logistics environment and to uncover strategies to leverage on the strengths and.
Halal halal logistics halal supply chain pest analysis malaysia 1. The competitiveness of halal food industry in malaysia. The purpose of this swot analysis study on halal logistics industry in malaysia are to identify the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats in the halal logistics environment and. The results generated 20 factors that externally influencing the malaysia halal logistics scene.
Mohamed syazwan ab talib. A swot ict analysis.