International Journal Of Engineering And Technology Uae Open Access

International journal of engineering technology in doaj.
International journal of engineering and technology uae open access. Doaj is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access peer reviewed journals. International journal of engineering and technology ijet is a scholarly open access peer reviewed interdisciplinary quarterly and fully refereed journal focusing on theories methods and applications in engineering and technology ijet covers all areas of engineering and technology publishing refereed original research articles and technical notes. Gjeta publishes manuscripts original research and review articles mini reviews and short communication in the following areas of engineering and technology view full aims scope. Gsc advanced engineering and technology gscaet is an international interdisciplinary journal committed to provide the authors a timely and peer reviewed process for evaluation of their manuscripts.
Global journal of engineering and technology advances gjeta is an international interdisciplinary journal committed to provide the authors a timely and peer reviewed process for evaluation of their manuscripts. The journal includes electronic communication industrial engineering management in engineering design manufacture performance validation and application of high precision machines instruments and components including. International journal of engineering and technology uae discontinued in scopus as of 2018. International journal of engineering computational research and technology ijecrt is an open access and free journal aims scope.
Information about the open access journal emitter. The international journal of engineering computational research and technology ijecrt is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high quality articles dedicated to all aspects of engineering. International collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. Open access international journal of science engineering oaijse is a monthly published online journal which publishes innovative research papers reviews short communications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines covered by all fields of engineering science technology pharmacy management biological science humanities and social sciences commerce medical science arts and.
The engineering technology open access journal is vast journal that deals with all types of engineering technology. United arab emirates sir ranking of united arab emirates. World journal of advanced engineering technology and sciences wjaets is an international interdisciplinary journal committed to provide the authors a timely and peer reviewed process for evaluation of their manuscripts. Prime focus of the journal is to publish articles related to the current trends of research.