Jkr Design Criteria And Standards For Water Supply Systems Pdf

Many department of health employees provided valuable insights and suggestions to this publication.
Jkr design criteria and standards for water supply systems pdf. Why ensure a basic and common understanding of the necessary theory to design water supply system. This manual guide is an improved version of the mwa design guidelines for water supply systems published in 1994 which was an adaptation of the jkr design criteria and standards for water supply systems in the late 80s by the water supply branch public works department. 2017 fbc residential 6 th edition 29 water supply and distribution p2903 water supply system p2903 1 water supply system design criteria jump to full code chapter the water service and water distribution systems shall be designed and pipe sizes shall be selected such that under conditions of peak demand the capacities at the point of outlet discharge shall not be less than shown in. The department of health prepared this document to provide guidelines and criteria for design engineers that prepare plans and specifications for group a public water systems.
6 1 2 classification of water delivery system 41 projected water supply systems which consist of 43 subprojects can be classified regarding their transmission method. This is the third edition of the water system design manual. Water supply hygiene promotion standard 1 solid waste collection and disposal standard 1 drainage works standard 1 individual and family protection standard 1 access to and numbers of toilets standard 1 access and water quantity standard 2 physical environmental and chemical protection measures standard 2 design construction and use of. Academia edu is a platform for academics to share research papers.
The subprojects of ouled dhifallah maalim.