Journal Of Islamic Studies And Culture

To provide a forum for the study of islam and muslim societies in their global context.
Journal of islamic studies and culture. The journal of islamic studies is accepting papers on the scholarly study of all aspects of islam and of the islamic world. The islamic culture is an international peer reviewed open access bi annual june and december journal that focuses articles which contribute new results in all domain of islamic studies. Journal of islamic studies and culture is a fully double blind referred international journal and is under the monitoring of world s reputed indexing organizations like isi scopus and pubmed. To promote the diffusion exchange and discussion of research findings.
The journal seeks to place islam and the islamic tradition as its central focus of academic inquiry and to encourage comprehensive consideration of its many facets. The journal is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of islam and of the islamic world. In particular papers dealing with history geography political science economics anthropology sociology law literature religion philosophy international relations environmental and developmental issues are welcomed. The journal for islamic studies jis is committed to the publication of original research on islam as a world culture and civilization.
We therefore hope to stimulate and publish research that relates to religion theology and law. Journal of social and islamic culture karsa issn 2442 3289 and e issn 2442 4285 is a peer reviewed national journal published by institut agama islam negeri madura. Journal of islamic thought and muslim culture jitmc al lubb is a term for the deepest inner heart meaning core and inner understanding which are the essential basis of religion. The american research institute for policy development aripd journal of islamic studies and culture is a peer reviewed international scholarly journal.
More specifically the islamic culture takes regular submissions from academic professionals and researcher belongs to jurisprudence islamic history hadith and rules of hadith comparative jurisprudence comparative study of religion seerat e nabvi uloom e quran anti extremism social sciences and. The journal has a special focus on islam in africa and on contemporary islamic thought. Journal of islamic studies a multi disciplinary publication dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of islam and of the islamic world with a focus on works dealing with history geography political science economics anthropology sociology law literature religion philosophy international relations environmental and developmental issues as well as ethical questions related to. To encourage interdisciplinary studies of the islamic world that are crossnational and comparative.
Contributions that display theoretical rigor especially work that link the particularities of islamic discourse to the enterprise of knowledge and critique in the humanities and social sciences will find journal of islamic studies and culture to be receptive to such submissions.