Labuan Financial Services And Securities Act 2010

Labuan financial services and securities act 2010.
Labuan financial services and securities act 2010. Securities act 2010 an act to provide for the licensing and regulation of islamic financial services and securities in labuan and for other matters related thereto. Part i preliminary short title and commencement 1. Information about labuan ibfc. 1 this act may be cited as the labuan islamic financial services and securities act 2010.
Securities act 2010 and labuan islamic financial services and securities act 2010. Is expected to comply with other requirements of the labuan companies act 1990 the labuan financial services and securities act 2010 the labuan business activity tax act 1990 and other relevant laws whichever is applicable. Labuan foundations act 2010 this act provides for the establishment regulation and dissolution of foundations set up in labuan. Part i preliminary short title and commencement 1.
Labuan financial services and securities15 laws of malaysia act 704 labuan financial services and securities act 2010 an act to provide for the licensing and regulation of financial services and securities in labuan the establishment of an exchange and for other matters related thereto. Part iv of the labuan financial services and securities act 2010 provides for the licensing of securities licensees with the following scope of business. Labuan international business and financial center. Enacted by the parliament of malaysia as follows.
Labuan trust companies act 1990 offshore banking act 1990. Survivorship rights liabilities etc of another under the repealed act the first schedule second schedule of the third schedule of the 17 laws of malaysia act 704 financial services and securities act of labuan 2010 an act to provide for the licensing and regulation of financial services and securities in labuan the establishment of an exchange and for other matters connected therewith. I raises capital from a number of investors with a view to. Enacted by the parliament of malaysia as follows.
Act 706 labuan foundations act 2010 an act to provide for the establishment regulation and dissolution of foundations in labuan and for matters relating to it. A private fund can carry on its affairs by giving notice in writing of its scope and nature of business to labuan fsa. G covered fund means a collective investment undertaking including investment compartments thereof which. Two types of funds can be prescribed under the labuan financial services and securities act 2010 namely private funds and public funds.
Labuan financial services and securities act 2010 this act is an omnibus act which repealed and consolidated the following existing acts. 1 this act may be cited as the labuan foundations act 2010.