Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 173 English Translation

We hope to make it easy for everyone to read study and learn the noble quran.
Surah al baqarah ayat 173 english translation. Al baqara ayah 173 recitations and translations. But al birr is the quality of the one who believes in allah the last day the angels the book the prophets and gives his wealth in spite of love for it to the kinsfolk to the orphans and to al masakin the poor and to the. Surah al falaq arabic. Surah al baqarah arabic text.
It is the longest surah consisting of 286 verses 6201 words or 25 500 letters. This surah baqarah ayat 173 verse is recited by shaikh abd ur rahman as sudais shaikh su ood as. Alim provides the opportunity to learn quran hadith and islamic history. This is qs 2 173 english translate.
الفلق is a meccan surah and the 113th chapter of the qur an. Quran surah al baqarah 173 image and transliteration innam a h arrama aaalaykumu almaytata wa al ddama wala h ma alkhinzeeri wam a ohilla bihi lighayri all a hi famani i dt urra ghayra b a ghin wal a aa a din fal a ithma aaalayhi inna all a ha ghafoorun ra h eem un. Quran translation comparison al quran surah 2. Indeed allah is forgiving and merciful.
The title of surah in english is the heifer or the cow. 1 these are among the fourteen opening letters which occur in various combinations at the beginning of twenty nine s rahs in the qurõœn. Al baqarah is 2 surah chapter of the quran with 286 verses ayat. Here you find the translation in english and urdu with arabic of ayat 173 of surah al baqara.
It is not al birr piety righteousness and each and every act of obedience to allah etc that you turn your faces towards east and or west in prayers. Home quran surah al baqara verse no 173. Verse no 173 of 286 arabic text urdu and english translation from kanzul iman next verse. You can find here complete surah baqarah ayat wise so you select ayat 173 and read it.
Although there has been much speculation as to their meaning it was not in fact revealed by allœh to anyone and is known only to him. Surah al baqarah البقرة 2 1 alif lãm mĩm 1. But whoever is forced by necessity neither desiring it nor transgressing its limit there is no sin upon him. Surat al baqarah verse 173 he has only forbidden to you dead animals blood the flesh of swine and that which has been dedicated to other than allah.
One of the goals of myislam site is to make reading the qur an in arabic easy.