Islamic Family Law In Malaysia Pdf

Islamic family law modern society is said to be the impetus for the reformation of the islamic family law in malaysia.
Islamic family law in malaysia pdf. In malaysia there are two sets of laws that are applicable in personal matters of intestacy marriage divorce custody of children and division of assets on the breakdown of a marriage. Laws of malaysia act 303 islamic family law federal territories act 1984 arrangement of sections part i preliminary section 1. Act 303 islamic family law federal territory act 1984 incorporating latest amendment p u a 247 2002. This book contains eight chapters which provide a framework to the administration and practice of islamic law in malaysia.
It briefly explains three important. This attempt was made possible due to an active. Chapter one provides the background to the study on the administration of islamic law. Saving of prerogative p art ii the majlis agama islam wilayah persekutuan 4.
Islam ic f am ily l aw f ederal t erritories 1 la ws of mala ysia reprint act 303 islamic f amil y la w federal territ ories act 1984 incorporating all amendments up to 1 january 2006 published by the commissioner of law revision malaysia under the authority of the revision of laws act 1968 in collaboration with. 3 this act shall not apply to a muslim or to any person who is married under islamic law and no marriage of one of the parties which professes the religion of islam shall be solemnized or registered under this act. Except with respect to the federal territories of kuala lumpur labuan and putrajaya islamic law and personal and family law of persons professing the religion of islam including the islamic law relating to succession testate and intestate betrothal marriage. Short title application and commencement 2.
Saving of prerogative 4. However several criticisms have been leveled against the exclusive reliance on this school of law on the argument that it gives room for unnecessary restrictions of. In relation to islamic laws they are. Laws of malaysia act 505 administration of islamic law federal territories act 1993 arrangement of section p art i preliminary section 1.
But nothing herein shall be construed to prevent. A q a guide to family law in malaysia. This development was in fact a direct influence from other muslim countries which had undergone the modernisation of islamic law within the framework of the modern nation state. The laws governing non muslims and the laws governing muslims.
The predominance school of law in malaysia today is the madhhab shafi 39 i. Establishment of the majlis 5. Short title application and commencement 2. Criterion for deciding whether a person is a muslim 6.